Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In the beginning....

Okay, folks, I've decided to put this blogging phobia of mine to rest. This blog is going to be an extensive look inside the work I'm doing towards reaching my goal weight. Thus far I've lost about 25 lbs. via weight watchers (my saving grace), but I've got another 30 lbs. to go (scary, right?).

I will be posting a variety of things...a lot of which I'm sure will come from Pinterest. I don't really want to limit myself so I'll be posting recipes, workout routines, problems I'm having, and just general progress. I would like to hold myself accountable and I think I'll do that if all y'all are watching/encouraging/laughing at me.

Don't be afraid to comment to give me tips, advice, ideas to share, and general encouragement (heavens knows I'll need it). =)

'Twill be an interesting journey.

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  1. Good luck and good for you! I've lost about 30 pounds since high school/college and never felt better. Enjoy the process and the results! And hi to you and Gary!

  2. Thanks, Marles! And congrats on your weight loss! Thus far I'm enjoying the process so hopefully I can keep it up! =)

  3. With Jason's help I connected. Neat picture of you Allie and also the one of you and Lindsay.Good receipes also. Cute name.

