Monday, August 13, 2012


This is the worst part of losing weight. I have one bad week and all I wanna do is throw my hands in the air and yell, "screw it!"

I don't.

You shouldn't either. Losing weight doesn't come easily. I get soooo mad when I hear about diets that "help you lose 20 lbs. in a month" or whatever (that rant is for another day). They're not healthy and they don't work long-term. Working hard, eating right, exercising, and staying motivated are what work.

Let's be honest.

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These pictures aren't going to get me motivated like all of the health magazines and gossip magazines seem to think. These pictures are going to depress me and make me long for something that I know I'll never have. This isn't me being a Debbie Downer or anything like that...this is me being realistic. I can wish on every shooting star that I would look like this someday, but my body structure won't allow it and I won't starve myself to do it. Heaven's knows I can't afford a personal trainer. That being said, what will motivate me?

Regular people.

I want to see people like me working their butts off (literally) to accomplish their goals. I hope and pray that this blog will do that for some of you! If you know me personally, you know that a year ago I would've died running a mile. Today I'm doing just that. I worked for it.

How have I stayed motivated?

Pinterest has been a great way to stay motivated without me even realizing that it's happening! All I have to do is log in and check out the health and fitness category for thousands of things to say, "you can do this." Another thing keeping me motivated is people telling me that they notice! People have seen what my hard work has accomplished and they let me know. Do me a favor and tell people you notice when you notice! It can make all the difference in the world! Encouragement is key. Of course family and friends have been a huge help. A simple, "Wow, Allie, do you really need another piece of pizza?" from my sister is enough to make me rethink what I'm doing. Oh, I guess I don't need that other piece of pizza. Heaven's knows it'll go straight to my rear end. Another idea would be to find a workout buddy. I'm the type of person that prefers to workout alone, but I know that other people are different. Find a friend who will workout with you and not cancel...somebody who will hold you accountable. You'll end up not wanting to disappoint them either! I know you can do it!!!

It doesn't take much, guys. Believe in yourself. If you have a week where you've gained 2 lbs., look back at what you've accomplished. Yes, you gained 2 lbs. this week, but you've lost 10 lbs. overall!  You're working on it and that, in itself, is an accomplishment! On another note, if you're feeling discouraged, shoot me a message, e-mail, etc. and I'll tell you why you're awesome!

Words cannot express how badly I wanted to insert the "you can do it" clip from "Waterboy" in here!


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  1. I love this! I am having a rough week. I could use a workout buddy too. I go to fitness 19 in Jenison. You are such an inspiration Allie!!

  2. Thank you, Kathi! Good luck! You'll get it back together. =)

  3. Your aunt jamie posted your blog...well written and much needed! I am now a follower!!

  4. Way to go Allie...keep focused and always have a're doing great!!
