Sunday, August 12, 2012

Support Systems for a Successful Weight Loss

It's very difficult to successfully lose weight without the help of a support system. My husband has been my saving grace throughout my Weight Watchers journey....without him, I don't think I wouldn't been able to accomplish the loss of 25 lbs.


Where can you find support systems?

1. Family
First and foremost, family is key! As I stated above, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the support of my husband. The moment I told him I wanted to join Weight Watchers he made sure we squeezed it into our budget. He has also been very open to the differences in grocery shopping and he's been amazing as far as keeping things out of the kitchen that are considered "trigger" foods for me. The key is to make sure your family knows how important this is for you. Sometimes our families are the hardest people to talk to about our weaknesses. You can make it happen. A great part about the family support system is that they are always there. You can't just "go home" to get away from them! A few weeks ago a Weight Watchers member in my meeting said that she was going to grab a dessert or something and her 5 year old daughter asked her if that was a Weight Watchers friendly snack. I about died laughing when she said that because a 5 year old knows what kinds of foods to eat for a Weight Watcher's lifestyle! So, people, draft the support of your families!

2. Friends
Not everybody has a supportive family. Period. But, everybody has friends. If your friends are like mine they'll encourage you every step of the way! Ask your friends if they'll listen to your weekly or monthly progress! You can also ask friends to hold you accountable for exercising by going to the gym with them on a regular basis. A huge part of friend support is going out. If your friends are aware that you're on the verge of a lifestyle change, suggest going out to restaurants that have a healthier option for you. Don't be afraid to say no to going out to a restaurant that only has deep fried foods or lack of a healthy option.

3. Weight Watchers Meetings
Obviously this option won't work for everyone because not everyone is a part of the Weight Watchers network. If you're not a part, become a part! You can receive wonderful hints, tips, and encouragement from the people in your meeting. A huge part of the meetings is learning how to make the best of what you've got (food-related). For example, if you're at a church potluck you can learn how to choose the better options! Hooray! An easy way for you to judge if this option is for you would be to go into your nearest Weight Watchers location and sit in on one free meeting. It's completely harmless and could be very beneficial for you!

4. Internet Forums
This is an option that every person in the world has access to. There are thousands upon thousands of weight loss forums on the internet and most of them are free to join. You can meet and socialize with other people that are experiencing the same things you are as well as find hints, tips, and recipes for all sorts of things! You're also able to ask questions and receive replies from hundreds of people! Great option.

How can you overcome obstacles?
Support systems aren't always peachy keen. People don't always remember how difficult weight loss journeys are and how they're support is crucial to your success. Remind them. If they don't know how important they are to you, how can they help you? I'd be willing to bet that you have 2-3 of these support systems available to you already. It's up to you to make good use of them!

As always, comment, repin, +1, share, tweet, etc. to share these great tips with others!

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