Thursday, August 9, 2012

What To Eat On A Typical Day & Why Weight Watchers is Awesome

Today was a weigh-in day. How did it go? Well, I managed to lose 1.2 pounds this week. Hooray! Progress. I also went on a lovely little run with my sister...2.2 miles. I'm slow, but at least I'm not on the couch. =)

So, today's post is going to cover a "typical" day of food intake for a Weight Watchers (WW) member. I am allowed 26 WW points per day (based on height and weight) and 49 "bonus" points per week. The daily points you receive is catered to your body type and is not just guesswork. So, my typical day looks something like this:

1 Banana 0 WW Points
1 Slice Aunt Millie's Potato Bread 1 WW Point
1 T. Jif Creamy Peanut Butter 3 WW Points
8 oz. Skim Milk 2 WW Points
1 Multivitamin
1 Calcium Pill
1 Flaxseed Pill
1 Fish Oil Pill

Total WW Points: 6

1 c. Strawberries 0 WW Points
1 T. Splenda 0 WW Points
2 c. Watermelon 0 WW Points
1 c. String Beans 0 WW Points
32 oz. Unsweetened Iced Tea (from McDonald's) 0 WW Points

Total WW Points: 0

You're welcome to have a variety of snacks throughout the day. I recommend fruits and veggies (raw carrots are a wonderful, crunchy treat). Fruits and non-starchy vegetables are 0 WW points so eat as many as you'd like! I also love love LOVE Jolly Time Kettle Corn. 3 WW points per mini bag. Perfection. I'm not too picky about snacks. Eat what you like, but be reasonable.

Ideally, dinner would look like this:
Half of your plate should be covered with fruits and non-starchy vegetables. A quarter of your plate should be filled with starches and whole grains and the other quarter should be meat and proteins. 

Obviously, this isn't always possible which makes the flexibility of WW a wonderful tool! Many of you know that I am a pizza lover. I eat pizza once a least. For real. Weight Watchers has created a program for me to live with, WITHOUT me having to give it up! Bonus! You have the option of using the 49 bonus points each week. Sometimes I use them and sometimes I don't. The important thing about the program is that you must eat your daily points every day. No skipping. Another bonus is that if you exercise you can eat more. Yay! I don't have to worry about eating my favorite Adam's Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory because I can just run a little each day to make up for it! Woo Hoo!

For you exercise-haters: If you don't like to...don't! You'll have to follow the meal plan a little more closely, but it is do-able. I followed the program for over a year and lost over 15 pounds without exercising!

For my crash-diet friends: Stop it! Crash diets are unhealthy and ineffective. A healthy weight loss is anywhere from 1-2 lbs. per week. Anything more than that is harming your body! I will admit that starting out your diet you are more likely to lose a higher number of pounds per week. After 2-3 weeks your body begins to get used to the new routine and evens out to 1-2 lbs. per week. Hooray for healthy!

So, I encourage my weight-loss friends to give Weight Watchers a go! It's a healthy and balanced program that produces results. I'm more than willing to answer any questions that you may have and the Weight Watchers website is also an excellent resource. 


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  1. you are awesome! you should become a leader!

  2. Thanks, Kathi! Maybe someday. =)
