How are y'all doing? Did you work hard this week?
I totally rocked my weigh-in today (I have to brag a little)! I lost 3.6 lbs! Woot woot!
So, the pros and cons of this week (I want you to make a list too!)...
I lost weight!
I didn't eat as much as usual in a typical week (Usually I feel like I have to snack constantly).
I planned meals out in advance-ish.
I didn't overeat at a family party (huge bonus).
No binging (hallelujah)!
I stayed motivated throughout the week.
I had beer and stayed within my points (gotta love a little Oberon. 3 WW points/Bottle)!
I found some low point desserts to snack on.
When writing out your pros, make sure you include everything. Don't sell yourself short. I don't care how big or small the pro is. Write it down. Everything counts!
I took the week off from running (a little personal experiment).
I managed to sneak in a few processed (& super unhealthy) foods.
There were a few times during the week where I found myself hungry before dinner (stomach growling hungry).
I drank more soda than usual.
I'm a bit worried about the amount of weight I lost this week. That's a lot of poundage for one week.
Don't get obsessed with the cons of your week. Acknowledge them and let them go. I'm serious. Do not hung up on these. If you have nothing else to feel good about, just remember that you are trying.
All in all, this was a pretty great week for me (I hope it was the same for you)! This coming week is a bit worrisome to me. My husband and I are moving to the fair land of Urbana-Champaign, IL. Y'all know how moving goes....but I think I can manage. This weekend could be nightmarish, but as long as I own the rest of the week I think I'll be okay.
So, goals for this week.
1. Don't use moving as an excuse to eat terribly.
2. Find a new Weight Watchers location in Urbana-Champaign.
3. Choose healthy options for the inevitable en route fast food stops.
4. Less soda, more unsweetened iced tea.
5. Focus on getting in those good health guidelines daily.
I'll give you guys an update next week on how these goals went for me (yikes). =)
If you lovely readers can come up with any goals, feel free to share them with me and we can hold each other accountable for this upcoming week! When coming up with your goals, make sure you look ahead for anything that could cause you trouble in the week (date night, girls night, guys night, family party, etc.). Good luck this week!
Stay tuned for "How to Eat When Camping"!!!
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